
  • Patch Notes
    Patch Notes
    The beloved puzzle and home renovation game, Homescapes, has just rolled out its latest update, bringing a plethora of gameplay changes, fixes, and new features to enhance the overall user experience. This update aims to smooth out any gameplay wrinkles and introduce fresh elements to keep both new...
  • A Testament to Strategic Gameplay Evolution
    A Testament to Strategic Gameplay Evolution
    As a seasoned player, the most important facet of Homescapes you're likely to notice is its engaging gameplay. Borrowing heavily from the successful elements of its predecessors within the series, Homescapes presents a beautiful blend of match-3 puzzles and strategic home renovation tasks. Each leve...
  • Homescapes: Where Puzzles Meet Home Renovation
    Homescapes: Where Puzzles Meet Home Renovation
    In the world of puzzle-solving and home decor games, certain titles truly stand out. One such game that has managed to capture the hearts of many gamers is Homescapes. The game showcases its unique ability to blend engaging match-three puzzles with compelling home renovation tasks. Progression Thro...